Sunday, September 30, 2012


 Jacket By --::[[FAME]]- LeopardFlag-Mesh_Men's  Jacket W-UniqueTshirt find it at swag fest look for Fresco Moda shop at swag festival and there you will find FAME ITEM'S 

Jeans By Kapone NEW MESH jean  blue come in 4 sizes 

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Jacket By --::[[FAME]]- OliveFlag Mesh Men's  Jacket W UniqueTshirt find it at swag fest look for Fresco Moda shop at swag festival and there you will find FAME ITEM'S

Jeans By Kapone New Mesh jean  dirty

POST# 144 NEW MESH Sweater - NEW MESH Jeans

Sweater By BuFu Prod0.7 NEW MESH Cardigan Sweater SUNGLE
Jeans By Kapone NEW MESH jean darkblue

Friday, September 28, 2012

POST# 143 NEW Mesh Hooded - NEW Mesh Baggy

Hooded  By  OPOPOP  NEW  Bellini in Green  Mesh Hooded Sweat
Pants By OPOPOP  NEW Uppercut in Blue Mesh Baggy

POST# 142 NEW MESH JEANS black fashion - NEW MESH Monkey Business V NECK SHIRT


Shirt  By ::Fe Style::  NEW Monkey Business V Neck Shirt come in 5 Sizes
Jeans By Kapone NEW MESH jeans black fashion comes in  4 sizes
bracelet By PIXLIGHTS Barcode bracelet find  it on marketplace

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

POST# 141 NEW MESH Mens breaker - Supra Boots purple - Shibby Tattoo - cap purple graff

Hat By Kapone cap purple graff
Shirt By V&M Inc. NEW MESH Mens breaker :The Web:
Tattoo By [Sleepy Bozer]   Shibby Tattoo
Shoes By Kapone   Supra Boots purple

POST# 140 New Mesh Hmm It Doesn't Work V Neck Shirt - NEW X*Bolt Mesh Pants (RedLeather) - Supra Footwear Red - Cap ny card game

Shirt By ::Fe Style:: NEW Hmm It Doesn't Work V Neck Shirt come in 5 Sizes
Hat By Kapone Cap ny card game
Pants by Xplosion  NEW  X*Bolt Mesh Pants (RedLeather) come in 5 Sizes
Shoes By URBATIK Supra Footwear Red

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

POST# 139 NEW Tattoo - New Mesh Vest - New Mesh Pants

Vest By ---::[[F A M E]]::--  MESH Rasta[DenimVest] Find it on marketplace
Pants By Xplosion X*Bolt MeshPants (Navy)
Tattoo By [Sleepy Bozer] NEW Insomnia

POST# 138 NEW MESH Sweat Hooded - NEW Mesh Jeans

Hooded By [BuFu] Prod0.7 MESH Sweat Hooded GWADA
Jeans By Xplosion NEW *X*Raw MEN Mesh Jeans (RageFire)
Shoes By DEF! Sneakers Manifesto Lo Leather Black

POST# 137 NEW MESH V Neck Shirt - NEW Tattoo - NEW MESH Pants

Shirt By  ::Fe Style:: NEW Basic Brown V Neck Shirt Mesh come in  5 Sizes
Tattoo By ---::[[F A M E]]::---  WorldIsMine V1,V2,V3 Tat come in 4 Layer on marketplace
Pants By  Xplosion NEW MESH X Bolt Mesh Pants (Brown)
Pants By  Xplosion NEW MESH X Bolt Mesh Pants (Blue)

POST# 136 NEW MESH Jeans - NEW Tattoo - Mesh Boots - Cap

Pants By Xplosion  NEW - X Bolt Mesh Pants (Navy)
Tattoo By [Sleepy Bozer]  NEW - Never Summer
Hat By [BuFu] Prod0.7 Cap Gray visor Black - UNISEX
Boots By .:EC:.  ABL Army Boots [Basic]  Black

Monday, September 24, 2012

POST# 135 NEW MESH Jogging Pants and Hooded - Shoes

Hooded By  OPOPOP  NEW  Bellini in Cyan  Mesh Hooded Sweat
Pants By ::Fe Style::  Jogging Pants//White
Shoes By Kapone fuzion Black

POST# 134 NEW Footwear & Hoodie - unisex jogging

Hoodie BY Kapone   MESH Hoodie DETROIT
Pants By Kapone   MESH unisex jogging Black Gold
Shoes By URBATIK NEW Supra Footwear GoldBlack

Sunday, September 23, 2012

POST# 133 NEW Bolt Mesh Pants

Pants By Xplosion  X Bolt Mesh Pants  BlackLeather
Shoes By DECO  MESH Thunder Bolts (blackred) The Arcade Gacha Events

POST# 132 NEW MESH Pants

Pants By Kapone NEW MESH sarouel pant blackblood
sunglasses By Kapone Black Metal sunglasses
Tattoo By [Sleepy Bozer]  Wine Riot
Shoes By Kapone chuck leather

Saturday, September 22, 2012

POST# 131 NEW MESH Jacket and NEW MESH Jeans

Jacket By ---::[[F A M E]]::--- NEW GoldRush Jacket-Mesh find it here marketplace
Jeans By ::[BuFu]:: Prod0.7 Mesh Jeans Skinny Powerful   BLACK
Shoes By  BLK2.0 Havana-Sneakers  Black

Friday, September 21, 2012

POST# 130 NEW at fi*Fridays Ready For Takeoff MESH V Neck Shirt And NEW MESH sarouel pant kaki army

Shirt By :Fe Style:: NEW MESH Ready For Takeoff  V Neck Shirt come in 5 Sizes fine it at fi*Fridays
Pants By Kapone  NEW MESH sarouel pant kaki army

POST# 129 fi*Fridays SALE ROOM NEW Big Boss- V Neck Shirt and NEW Unisex White Mesh Baggy

Shirt By ::Fe Style::  Big Boss- V Neck Shirt come in 5 Sizes find it at fi*Fridays
Pants By OPOPOP  Unisex Uppercut in White -  Mesh Baggy
sunglasse By kapone sunglasse VL blackGold
Shoes By DECO  MESH Classic Sneaks (black)

POST# 128 NEW MESH Sweater and NEW Mesh Jeans

Sweater By [BuFu] Prod0.7 Mesh Cardigan Sweater FASHION BLUE
  5 sizes include + 2 Alpha layers !
**All parts are copy, no modify, no transfert
**Rigged Mesh - cannot be resize
**Mesh Enable Viewer Required
**7 Sizes / Alpha Layer / Shape [BF] GIFT
Jeans By [BuFu] Prod0.7 Mesh Jeans Skinny Powerful  ORIGINAL BLUE

7 sizes include + 1 Alpha layers !
**All parts are copy, no modify, no transfert
**Rigged Mesh - cannot be resize
**Mesh Enable Viewer Required
**7 Sizes / Alpha Layer / Shape [BF] GIFT

Thursday, September 20, 2012

POST# 127 NEW MESH Jeans and Hooded

Hooded By [BuFu] New mesh Sweat Hooded
5 sizes include + 2 Alpha layers !
**All parts are copy, no modify, no transfert 
**Rigged Mesh - cannot be resize
**Mesh Enable Viewer Required
**5 Sizes / Alpha Layer / Shape [BF] GIFT
Jeans By [BuFu] NEW Prod0.7 Mesh Jeans Skinny Powerful / BLACK
 7 sizes include + 1 Alpha layers !
**All parts are copy, no modify, no transfert
**Rigged Mesh - cannot be resize
**Mesh Enable Viewer Required
**7 Sizes / Alpha Layer / Shape [BF] GIFT
Shoes By BALKANIK2.0  Havana-Sneakers Green

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

POST# 126 NEW Tattoo by ::Fe Style::

Tattoo BY ::Fe Style:: NEW Hate My Swag Tattoo / Multiple Layer Find it at fi*Fridays
Hair By R E M O R S E  - Mohawk Fade  With Waves  Black

POST# 125 fi*Fridays NEW Tattoo and NEW Mask & Scarf - Baggy

Tattoo By ::Fe Style:: NEW Oh My Deer Tattoo Unisex  Find it at fi*Fridays
Mask & Scarf By OPOPOP NEW Chu-Hai V2.3 in Black // Mask & Scarf
Pants By OPOPOP  NEW Uppercut in Black  Mesh Baggy
EYE'S By REPULSE - Living Dead

Monday, September 17, 2012

POST# 124 fi*Fridays SALE ROOM NEW Mesh Luxury Cardigan - NEW MESH SHOES AT The Arcade

Jacked by ::Fe Style:: NEW Mesh Luxury Cardigan - come in 5 Sizes on Sale at  fi*Fridays
Glasses By Kumaki Glasses MESH Chrome Glasses
Shoes By DECO - MESH Thunder Bolts (blackred) Shoes at The Arcade Gacha Events 
Beanie By Hermony Oversized Beanie  Umber

POST# 123 NEW Mesh Hooded & Baggy - Ziggie Glasses - FREE MESH watch

watch By Ruca Tease  Mens watch free on the wall
Hooded By OPOPOP NEW Bellini in Grey // Mesh Hooded Sweat
Glasses By Luckie Ziggie Glasses Black
Pants By OPOPOP NEW Uppercut in White // Mesh Baggy

Sunday, September 16, 2012

POST# 122 The Autumn Effect Hunt Gift's

Glasses by Luckie #75 Inside a light bulb , but not used as one :) can you fine me .. hehehe
Jacket by  MORTALITY ROYAL RACER JACKET not a hunt gift
Jeans By LogiQue #71 Check The Shelves!
Tattoo By Fe Style #29 look The Glasses